Pills (Spoken word, lyrics, ENG)


Your questions

have roots

deeper than sense.

And sense itself will be the cost as you pursue my answer

Yes, what you ask will be replied in full!

Now listen:

The peace is brokered out of pain,

yet will the bomb fall again?

Behind the moon the stars do shine –

though hopes be winged where should they fly?

The tower conducts an investigation to find the guilty instigators;

A stone unturned will be the first,

thrown without sin but with fear

The secret’s out:

A violent shout!

It hurts the structure of this sphere!

A cup upside down will spill the wine –

ten times to make it real!

The contract is broken!

The people are woken!

The lies of bread and blood –

it was never enough,

and now we will sing for justice’s sake,

and hungrily,

for pills are all we got!

The crescent falls on faithless heads

yet crimes of severed hearts is met with cheers and tears across the aisle.

The parliament of shattered dreams is clamoring for vengeance,

but God has not decided yet which way the river will flow,

so a voice in the chorus roars:

You dare call us all a hive mind!

Then, are you not afraid to be stung?

While we risk being hanged you eat your fears like they were cake …

So pretty please with sugar switched for poison,

shout out to my fellow bees:

The headless ants are not of us and pills are all we got …

And although we thought that we were alone,

It was actually clear all along:

To avoid their controlling gaze,

we must keep looking for our escape!

But woe unto the one who seeks the pages between the books …

Chase destiny, find prophecy, poor child of monotony

Abandon all vapid normalcy, submerge in ecstatic revelry!

The road is long and they have guns

but I am the oracle of my own life!

And would you pass judgment on me?

‘Cause I’ll pass judgment on you …

And I’ll be the judge of myself!

And then you’ll be the judge of none.

(Hmpf.) Thus hereby I rule:

that I’ll execute my deepest wish,

though pills are all we got …

(Hmmm) My willpower’s pushed to the hilt

This will be the hill that I die on,

and from where I make my leap of faith.

Swallowing the sword of a generation,

now unladen by undue expectations,

I choose death as my card,

to take my chance,

to cast the die and seal my fate.

It tastes just like candy,

and I see my shape is changing,

getting closer to insanity …

(Aaah …) The unreversed high priestess of the revolution speaks:

The mindless fear can not be ours

‘cause pills are all we got …

This shit …

It’s not enough,

The fire dies without more fuel.

So our courage we still must prove:

To let go of the past,

and to make history move!

It doesn’t rhyme by itself,

we have to chose!

2019, the year of our Lord

is still waiting to be born –

so to make reality into poetry we must shed our former skin.

Behold! In the ruins!

The tower has caved in,

and where it stood there is a hole.

The bomb did fall again,

but it was just growing pains and explosive contradictions.

The have nots separated from the must haves at last;

The nuclear split,

this midwife of our future,

will mark the border of our wild empire!

As we reject the Hierophant,

they think that we are clowns,

but we’re quite comfortable in our rags –

and our make-up is fucking perfect!

The word now runs clear,

the wound isn’t meant to heal.

So reject their anxieties!

Fuck our comfortability!

Who wants shit anyway!

We rhyme when we want and now we are free,

since pills are all we got!